Helper class





Box display

Helper class to change a default inline element to a block element, or the other way arround. Illustrated in the example where a label changes from inline to block when adding the class block.

<label for="example-inline">Inline label <small>(default)</small></label>
<input type="text" id="example-inline">

<label for="example-block" class="block">Block label</label>
<input type="text" id="example-block">
Class name Comment
block Change display to block
inline Change display to inline


clearfix can be applied on a container that breaks because of floating elements inside it.

<div class="clearfix" style="border: 1px solid black;">
  <img src="" alt="" style="float: right;">


Position element right or left. Can be used on media and other elements that a editor would like to position in a article.

Class Description
.l-left Floats a element to the left with a gutter width on right side.
.l-right Floats a element to the right with a gutter width on left side.
Forklaring til bilde. Vi har gode betingelser og gir våre medarbeidere mulighet til karriere og selvrealisering.Vi legger stor vekt på faglig utvikling i DIPS og bruker mye ressurser på å bygge opp og opprettholde vår kompetanse.
<figure class="frame l-right">
  <img src="" alt="">
  <figcaption>Forklaring til bilde. Vi har gode betingelser og gir våre medarbeidere mulighet til karriere og selvrealisering.Vi legger stor vekt på faglig utvikling i DIPS og bruker mye ressurser på å bygge opp og opprettholde vår kompetanse.</figcaption>

Hide elements

Different ways to hide elements.

<a href="" class="visuallyhidden">Example hidden link</a>
<a href="" class="visuallyhidden focusable">Example hidden link</a>
<a href="" class="invisible">Example hidden link</a>
Class name Comment
visuallyhidden Visually hide elements, but have them available for screen readers.
focusable By also adding this, a link would be shown on focus.
invisible Hide visually and from screenreaders, but maintain layout.


Remove space on a element.

Class Description
nospace Remove space arround all edges of a element
nospace-top Remove space on top of a element
nospace-bottom Remove space on bottom of a element


Add space to a element. 30px are added on smaller screens and it expands to 60px on larger screens. A background is added in the example to better illustrate the space.

Class Description
space-top Add space on top of a element
space-top-half Add space on top, but half of space-top
space-bottom Add space on bottom of a element
space-bottom-half Add half space on bottom of a element
space-top-bottom Add space on top and bottom of a element

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi commodo, ipsum sed pharetra gravida, orci magna rhoncus neque, id pulvinar odio lorem non turpis. Nullam sit amet enim. Suspendisse id velit vitae ligula volutpat condimentum. Aliquam erat volutpat.

<div class="container space-top bg-light">
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi commodo, ipsum sed pharetra gravida, orci magna rhoncus neque, id pulvinar odio lorem non turpis. Nullam sit amet enim. Suspendisse id velit vitae ligula volutpat condimentum. Aliquam erat volutpat.</p>